FM3 Cab Lab (how to convert wav to syx files on newest version)


New Member
hey there, just wandering if someone could enlighten me on the file conversion process for my FM3 using Cab Lab? I just got my FM3 yesterday and needed a pretty comprehensive guide to doing this... I figured out how to get the Dyna Cabs i bought loaded but have no idea how to utilize them to actually hear the final product through my FM3? Thanks for any help you can be and hope to get it going pretty soon. Take care guys... Rock On! Jeff
I don't think you need to convert wav files to use them in AxeEdit. Just drag them into the Cab Manager as is.

Am I missing why you want to do this?
hey there, just wandering if someone could enlighten me on the file conversion process for my FM3 using Cab Lab? I just got my FM3 yesterday and needed a pretty comprehensive guide to doing this... I figured out how to get the Dyna Cabs i bought loaded but have no idea how to utilize them to actually hear the final product through my FM3? Thanks for any help you can be and hope to get it going pretty soon. Take care guys... Rock On! Jeff
Cab Lab manual covers how to do this, converting to .syx begins on page 12
Wow i saw that my thread got viewed 38 times...thats awesome!! must be a pretty difficult task to be able to convert a wav to a syx file from the looks of it? Thanks for looking at the thread though... take care
Your post isn't very clear.

Are you trying to convert IRs from WAV or are you trying to use DynaCab packs?

Those are different topics.
trying to convert irs to wave files... ill check out page 12. the one member said that was a good start! thanks unix-guy !
Yes, you can drag and drop in the editor or add from the Manage Cabs in the editor and they will convert.

Note that you might want to check the Preferences in the editor as there are some related to the conversion process.
Yes, you can drag and drop in the editor or add from the Manage Cabs in the editor and they will convert.

Note that you might want to check the Preferences in the editor as there are some related to the conversion process.
much appreciated! keep jammin'
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