[FIXED] Preset display on Axe-Fx doesn’t follow preset change


Is it normal?

I noticed that if I’m on preset page on the Axe-Fx display and I change the presets via FC-12 the highlighted preset on the display remains the same. The preset change, but the name highlighted doesn’t.

On Axe-Edit it changes.
I see the same thing on 19.06b. The Preset page does not refresh to show the new preset highlighted when changed via FC or Axe Edit. No idea if it's always been this way or not. I'm usually not on the preset page when I'm changing presets through other means.
Ok, thanks.

It is just something visually strange but not affecting functionality.
Is it normal?

I noticed that if I’m on preset page on the Axe-Fx display and I change the presets via FC-12 the highlighted preset on the display remains the same. The preset change, but the name highlighted doesn’t.

On Axe-Edit it changes.

Correct. Remote preset swiching doesn't refresh the Home > Presets screen. It's debatable whether that's a bug or not.
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