First time with FM9 out in a rehearsal... mono?

sick pickle

Hey friends!

I made a preset in full stereo with 2 studio monitors. I am going to be playing out tomorrow night - rehearsing with a band. I am probably going to be plugging into a Line 6 L3M FRFR which is mono. Do I need to convert my patch or will the FM9 handle the summing to mono naturally without any intervention from me?
You can set the output to sum. You could have phase cancelation depending on how you set up your patch. Ironically enough on my FM3 I sum to mono when needed but on my FM9 due to denser effects I just use my left side only of my stereo patch. It works just fine for me
i would try the Half-Stereo first. keep everything set to stereo, but just send 1 cable out of the Left side.

the FM does not automatically sum. often summing will lead to phase cancellation which can sound worse.
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