First rehearsal with the Axe Fx Ultra


Very impressive, we do alot of different styles like Journey, VH, Queen, Boston, AC/DC,Weezer etc, just a fun band, so I can get out of the Studio and have some fun. I was able to nail down every tone. The only thing is that I need to eq my system at rehearsal levels because alot of my patches were to bright ( I live in a town home, so there is a volume limit!), thank God for the Global EQ!!! One othe the things that amazes me is the ability of the unit to get the bright clean sound easily. With my old 3 amp set up(Mesa Roadster, Budda Superdrive II 45, Vox AC 15) I was struggling to get the right brightness(exept the Vox) I have a 57 Fender Reissue Strat with a Warmoth neck and Kinman pick ups, I they sounded the best ever. Even with my Les Paul that came ith stock with EMG pick ups, I was abe to get a nice clean tone. There is still work to be done as far as tweaking the patches, but I know I'll get there!
I'm just got the SLA2, in my first rehersal, I used and old B&K ST140. I think the SLA2 is o.k, but not perfect. I prefer my B&K because it has a smoother top end but is a home power amp and I'm afraid to take it out. I like the ART SLA2 because is compact, and the sound to me is 90% and I'll take that to keep my gear compact. I going to try a tube amp for recording because I'm not sold on the cab sims yet, but I've been so busy ,I haven't had the chance to really experiment.
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