First live use yesterday! It went great!!!


Wow! I've been enjoying my FM9, but I haven't figured out how to build my own patches, or even how to mod the stock ones yet. Luckily with the vast number of patches available I was able to find one that worked. Actually I had to find a bank that had a good clean and dirty patch, since I can't seem to move anything around, either. I'm pretty helpless with electronics. I find the Casio "Iron Man" watch difficult to set and navigate. One step at a time. I won't give up! This unit sounds so good! It's made a huge difference with the sound of the praise and worship!
Thanks Fractal!!!
There are a tone of resources on TY! Cooper Carter has Master Classes that you can buy, Leon Todd's TY channel has a lot of good tips, Worship Tutorial TY channel has good info as well.

Best advice is to start with a blank preset then add an amp and a cab you are familiar with then go from there!
Leon Todd is a great player, but I tried to watch some of his FM9 tutoring. He moved so fast pulling up things, making changes, that I gave up trying to follow. I did run across this guy though. He appears more my speed. Has anyone else seen this guy?
Leon Todd is a great player, but I tried to watch some of his FM9 tutoring. He moved so fast pulling up things, making changes, that I gave up trying to follow. I did run across this guy though. He appears more my speed. Has anyone else seen this guy?

Rosh is great! He also has a whole series of videos like this on the Axe-Fx III and the FM3. The FM3 series is probably more akin to the FM9 and may start out a little more basic for a new user, but both series are really good and at a bit slower pace than Leon's videos. Leon's are great too, but he does move at a more rapid pace (talks reapidly and jumps around a lot) and are probably best for users with a basic understanding IMHO.

Welcome to the FAS club!
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