First gig with Ultra


The gig was with an 8 piece group with horns. Large room, large crowd.
My rig for that night was is the ultra, feeding one channel mono to one channel of a Rocktron Velosity 300 to a single open back 1-12 cab with a celestion v30. the other channel of the Ultra to the PA mains. I also took my pedal board to try some of my out board effects with the Ultra (wah, boosters,modulation effects). I ended up using only the wah.
Prior to the gig I had narrowed my presets to 4 selections - 2 clean and 2 crunchy/dirty. All of the presets had a controller on/off for: boost (null filter), extra distortion (rat for cleans, BB pre for dirty). I A/B 'd my 1 -12 cab with a full range PA cab at home the day before the gig to get a feel for the eq difference. I thought, I'm ready!

By the third set I had tweaked the overall eq.a little and tried out all my presets. For me, just using one of the dirty presets most of the time and just backing down the guitar volume to clean it up and using the null filter boost to punch through for solo's worked like a champ.

Just scratching the surface with the Ultra.

Cliff, U Da' Man !
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