Finding a cab's resonant frequency to match personally created IR's of that cab


New Member
Just adding this as a fresh post & a question to the experts so I can learn. I've seen a post with references to how to get your cab's resonant frequency by using REW... and just looking at the instructions makes my eyes glaze over.

I found a different way of getting my cab's resonant frequency. For background - I shot a few dozen IR's of my Marshall 1936 cab loaded with 2 EVM12L's from 1988. I used WinISD, input the driver details as they were not there, and calculated my cab's internal volume as accurately as I could. This gave me the resonant frequency (Fsc) of 93.42Hz and Qtc of 0.390. I have no idea about the other settings.

What I did to try to get in the ballpark was to look at the impedance curve in WinISD (photo below), find an impedance curve inside my FM9 that was sort of similar, then I added my Fsc and Qtc. It would be super helpful if Fractal put the Y axis labels so I could get it exact... there's an element of using your ears and guesswork.

[[ If anyone wants the WinISD EVM12L driver details, I've attached them to this post. All taken from the driver's data sheet ]]

My question is - is this an accurate way of getting a cab's resonant frequency to match your personally shot IR?



  • Electro-Voice EVM 12L
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