Finally ditched all my tube amps and pedals a few months ago for my AFX3 / FM3 - so happy!

Senor Forum

Well, after years and YEARS of being an absolute snob about gear, I finally slowly bled off all my pedals and tube amps.

The only thing left now is my Axe Fx III and my FM3.

Lately I've been largely playing my FM3 into my Quilter Tone Block 202 into the Copperback matching cab with the FRFR setting, straight in.

I don't change anything on the FM3 - no disabling of cab or anything like that.

This is BY FAR my favorite way to use the Fractal devices. I've got some nice studio monitors, too, which are awesome, but I have been using the Quilter exclusively.

Oddly enough, the sound coming from the Quilter is not too far off from what is coming from the monitors - only slight changes would need to be made for it to be pretty spot on.

I went ahead and ordered a second Tone Block 202 / cab for stereo. I'm committed at this point.

I will say, it definitely does not sound QUITE as good as my favorite tube amps, but we are splitting hairs at that point. It's close enough, low maintenance enough and has so many options that I couldn't give a crap about the little bit I may be missing, tone / feel-wise.

All in all, I am completely thrilled with this setup.

Thanks a ton, Fractal. <3
I run the FM3 the exact same way -- FM3 (with amp and cab ON) > Quilter Tone Block 202 (FRFR) > Celestion Copperback speaker. I run everything through the front of the Tone Block.
I run the FM3 the exact same way -- FM3 (with amp and cab ON) > Quilter Tone Block 202 (FRFR) > Celestion Copperback speaker. I run everything through the front of the Tone Block.

I completely missed this, my friend!

I took a bit of a break from playing, but am back to it, and this is still my preferred method of playing, practicing, etc.

Absolutely loving the new update, as well.

The one thing I did was add a couple of actual reverb pedals to my board, just to have some extra flavor and free up some CPU if I ever need to, although I haven't come close to hitting the limit yet. :)
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