Wish FEATURE REQUEST - FM3 Edit iPad App


Was told feature requests could be posted in the forum and hoping this is the place for it. Anyway new owner here wondering why there is no FM3 Edit iOS app especially for the iPad which it seems is the absolute perfect device to have such capability. The issue with the desktop app is I just don't have a desktop conveniently located in my studio to manage presets and firmware updates regularly nor do I want to clutter an already cluttered space with one. Ideally the iPad app would be able to connect over wifi or bluetooth with the device however a simple usb-c -> usb-a/b cable would be fine. Let's see this happen soon please... Cheers!
why there is no FM3 Edit iOS app
Tons of threads on this already. Just the initial release would require diverting thousands of hours away from firmware updates and bug fixes, not to mention the ongoing hours required to keep up with iOS/android updates, just to make a redundant UI for a device that would still require connecting a USB cable anyway, making the cost benefit ratio of phone/tablet editors essentially infinite. The number of studios I've been in (home or pro) that do not have a mac or PC is zero.
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I wouldn't mind it diverting time away from firmware updates as I would consider this as important or even more important of a project than another firmware update at this point the firmware works exceedingly well, better then the competition. The need for a OEM and native FM3 Edit app is long in the tooth and just needs to get done already. The fact that there are so many threads about it only proves the point. As a software developer I can say porting an app already written to be compatible with both windows and mac desktop is not difficult to port to the iOS environment, it shouldn't demand anywhere near the thousands of hours you are hyperbolically projecting. Your experience in studios doesn't represent the rest of the community nor the people using the device at home. Your cost benefit analysis makes absolutely no sense to me. I totally agree with you though that the next revision of the device should include some form of bluetooth or better yet wifi radio in it to easily connect to wirelessly.
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Other modelers offer a mobile app, so this is fast becoming an expected feature. However, it's important for the device to have wireless connectivity for this to work well, and Fractal modelers lack that. So, the upshot is this will probably have to wait until the next generation. In the meantime, there is FracPad and wireless dongles.
I view wireless and actually having an app as two independent things and both equally useful. There is a huge installed base of FMx devices out there that would love to simply connect over usb cable from an iPad right now and this would be instantly a successful and appreciated development. Rolling out wireless connectivity in a future device would only serve to improve the experience however it is not at all essential to it. FracPad is essentially a proof of concept that such a feature is desirable however it fails to deliver the oem native FMx Edit experience. Fractal should step up and provide this native support.
For live playing, tablet editing is where it's at.

My FM3 midi ports are already in use. I don't want to buy a midi merge box and USB-MIDI cable/WIDI.

I'd much rather run a USB cable to an iPad and be done with it.
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