FCB1010 Tap Tempo and Tuner engage


I've got some ideas about how to sat tap tempo and tuner on with my FCB1010 but wanted to consider how everyone else is doing it and if there were any potential problems with it.

First I have the UNO modification and am using 5 stomp boxes and 5 presets... My idea for tap tempo was for the five presets to send the PC message but also send a CC message which would be configured for tap tempo, this means, step on the button once it changes the preset, step on it multiple times it sets the tap tempo.
I think this should work and can't think of any potential problems, the only one might be if I make a change to the preset by enabling a stompbox, pressing the preset button would then reload the preset and disengage the stompbox I assume? I'd then have to hit the stompbox twice to get it back on, correct? Is there anyway around this?

Secondly for the tuner, I wanted this to engage when one of the pedals (which I'll be using as volume) is set at 0, I had a look at doing this last night but it seems that the tuner needs to listen to a particular CC but I couldn't see anyway of changing the on off values for the CC, I had it working but only if the pedal was past the halfway mark, is there anyway to change this?

Finally, on my old GT10, the pedal had a sponge bit at the heel so you could recalibrate it by pressing firmly on the heel, so that it naturally went down to a value of 5 say, but pressing the heel sent it to 0, effectively giving you a switch, I'd like to do something similar where a sponge or rubber or something went under the heel of the pedal so that the 'natural' value was 5 but pressing down firmly will take it down to 0. I figured I could then have the modifier in the Axe have a curve go from 0 as off, 5 as 80%, 127 as 100%. This way I could have full volume at fully toe, slightly quieter at fully heel, and off (with tuner engaged) whilst pressing down on the heel.

Can anyone think of anyway I can implement this?


Tap tempo using the preset switches is the typical manner. The only caveats are:
- set the option on the AFX: ignore repeated PCs
- if you use RipWerx to remember stomp states (turn on/off effects when you first hit it), each time you hit the preset button, those stomp states are recalled. Not always a problem, but something to consider if you start a song with an effect on, then turn it off, then go to tap your tempo . . . that effect will come back on.
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