FCB1010 - "rapid" wah changes


Hi fractal people :)
I have some problems with controling wah-wah with fcb1010 when I use it's pedals... the changes are very rapid, it just change very fast from 0%-100% and from 100%-0%. Is it possible to make the changes smoother? Thx in advance :).
Try adjusting the "damping" value in the modifiers control settings. Try 20-30ms.

Also, what taper are you using in the wah block? Probably want one of the log settings.

I used and FCB to control my Axe Fx wah and whammy for 4-5 months wIth no problems, although mine had the UNO chip.

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I have the same issue with all types of wah. Changing the "damping" helped a little, thx :). I will experiment more with that
also check and or reset (calibrate) the fcb pedals, for some reason one of my pedals seems to loose the bottom some times and the other pedal always works fine.
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