FC6 Standalone from FM3


Looking to downsize rig and can make do with an FC6 on the Pedalboard. My thought would be to have the FM3 sit with the FRFR cab and use the FC6 for all my menus and changes.

Is there a way to have the FM3 just have the 3 or (6 switches with a hold) stay constant while doing all performance switching with the FC6.

So lets say the FM3 (behind me in this case just has SCENES, TUNER, and TAP TEMPO (as an example) and all the Master Layout changes occur on the FC6 while the FM3 remains constant. Is that doable?

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Use a layout for your fm3 and another for your fc6, in setup make sure it uses the layouts you need and done.

I have mine setup like that. My fm3 has preset up, down, tap tempo and tuner on hold. The fc6 displays my six scenes. Fm3 sits elevated in the back and my fc6 and ev2 up front.
I'm getting there. I was noticing changes to the FM3 when I would go to the Master Layout but I see it's a combination of Layout Links and Views (I think)
Use a layout for your fm3 and another for your fc6, in setup make sure it uses the layouts you need and done.

I have mine setup like that. My fm3 has preset up, down, tap tempo and tuner on hold. The fc6 displays my six scenes. Fm3 sits elevated in the back and my fc6 and ev2 up front.
Exactly what I'm looking to do
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