FC6 & FC12 - Basic question



Forgive my ignorance, I've read the FC quick guide, & a bit of the manual, but still don't quite get it.

Does the programming of the FC-6 / FC-12 live in the AXE-FX / FM3 or the FC unit itself?

I have an AXE-FX III, and an FM3, also an FC-6, and an FC-12. Basically I want to grab the AXE III, or the FM3, and the FC-6 or the FC-12, plug them in, and go. No crazy setups, the stock layouts work fine for me. Is this possible or does the FC unit have to be dedicated to one device?

Hi Matt,

Programming the FC6 or 12 is all done within the FM3 or the Axe FX III. You can set this up within FM3 edit or Axe Edit or from the setup menu foot-switch section on the Axe or FM3. If you are using the stock layouts then you won't have to change much or anything for either the Axe or the FM3. It doesn't have to be dedicated to one device.

If you do decide to change anything on the stock layouts then you can export all layouts or whichever ones you wish to save and load them back in again via axe edit if you do change between the FC6 or 12.

I hope that helps.

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