FC12 with AxeFXiii MIDI Blocks


I have an AxeFXiii used with a Boogie MarkV:25 via 4 cable method. I do not have a FC12, but I am considering buying one thence this message. Currently, I use a Behringer FCB1010 as part of a MIDI loop that includes the AxeFXiii and a Voodoo MIDI amp channel switcher. Switching the MarkV channels and turning EQ on/off can be controlled via MIDI CC#'s sent to the Voodoo from the MIDI block at the AxeFXiii preset level.
If I were to get rid of the FCB1010 and replace it with a FC12, which does not have any MIDI capability, would the MIDI block of the AxeFXiii still be activated upon selecting a different preset from the FC12?
Is there any other functionality that I might lose?
Yes, the midi block sends midi out of the Axe Fx midi DIN port when scenes are changed. How the scenes are changed doesn't matter.

Without knowing everything you're doing with your current controller nobody can tell you what you might or might not lose...
It works... sort of. I have the FC12 sending preset/scene changes to the AxeFX3, and the MIDI block for each scenes sends a MIDI message to the VooDoo which functions as programmed... but it takes like 5-8 seconds for the switch on the real amp to happen. My MIDI loop is simple, the OUT of the AxeFX to the IN of the VooDoo Switcher, the out of the VooDoo to the IN of the AxeFX. Why isn't it instantaneous?
What happens if you remove the connection from Out of VL to In of Axe Fx?

Not that it should cause a problem but should not be needed since the VL isn't controlling the Axe Fx.

You probably need to contact VL Support...

What happens if you use the Test button on the Scene Midi block? Is it still slow?
but even if I fix this, I'm not super keen on having one MIDI expression and 3 regular FC12 ones. More gear to haul. So not sure what's next. I wish there was a way to to PC reset at the Scene or Channel level or similar fucntionality...
I think I am going to abandon the wet/dry mix pedal and instead, set the wet/dry at a good base level for a given scene. Then, I will use the 4 channels of the mixer block that I use for wet mix to be 0db, -6db, +6db and +9db or something like that so I can modulate around the "right" wet/dry mix level
Found a good compromise. in FC Edit, I can assign Effect Channel Inc/Dec to a FC12 button. So by assigning the 4 channels programmed as per above, I have a one tap way of cycling through 4 level adjustments for my wet mix level from the base mix. it works.
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