FC12 bank issue


All, just a minor issue, in the presets layout I have my bank size set to 10 but I can still not assign anything above preset 4 to a footswitch
Bank size is global, not per layout. Verify you actually have it set to 10. Sometimes when you mess with the bank size, you need to reboot the FC to make it update as well. I've had to do that once or twice in the past.

It can also change your Bank Inc/Dec Upper Limit values as well, so double check those after changing the bank size. Enter 999 and the editor will automatically select the highest bank for the current bank size setting.
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Bank size is global, not per layout. Verify you actually have it set to 10. Sometimes when you mess with the bank size, you need to reboot the FC to make it update as well. I've had to do that once or twice in the past.

It can also change your Bank Inc/Dec Upper Limit values as well, so double check those after changing the bank size. Enter 999 and the editor will automatically select the highest bank for the current bank size setting.
When I get home today I will double check but I know last night I reset it to 10 for bank size
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