FC-6 ideas beyond OMG9?


I just received an FC-6 to use with my FM3. I plan to start with the OMG9 layout, but I'm wondering what other creative ways y'all have used yours?
I have an FC-6 with an AxeFX3, so not using OMG9, but these ideas can be applied to OMG9:

  1. I use the hold functions in my Scenes layout to control Bypass for my favourite effects. This way if I am in my Scenes Layout and just want to enable/disable my Tremolo (for example) I don't need change to the Effects Layout and then turn on/off the Tremolo and then change back to the Scenes Layout (if that's what I want next). Instead I just hold one of the switches in the Scenes Layout. I also assigned the Hold function of one switch (in all Layouts) to "Show Hold" just in case I have forgotten which Effects are assigned to the hold function of which switches (because the labels typically show the tap function). In practice I typically turn on/off Drive and Tremolo without leaving my Scenes Layout. For anything else/more I go to the Effects Layout.
  2. I have different Presets for different guitars. I group Presets belonging to one guitar together (consecutive numbers) and then assign the Hold function of switches in my Preset Layout to jump to the beginning of the set of Presets for a given guitar. So instead of having to bank up/down a bunch of times because I have switched guitars, I just use the hold function of a switch to jump to the first of my Strat Presets or the hold function another to jump to the first of my Tele presets etc.
  3. In OMG9 the Scenes Layout View 2 has three per-Preset placeholders. Populating these could be useful. If you don't typically need more than 6 Scenes then you could move these to hold functions on Scenes Layout View 1 to make them more easily accessible (not having to change Views). Similar to #1 above, these per-Preset functions could then be assigned to your favourite effects (or anything else really).
  4. If you don't use the Looper but often use Tap Tempo then I would be tempted to move the Presets to the hold function of the right switch of the FM3 and assign Tap Tempo to the tap function of the left switch of the FM3. As it is, Tap Tempo is buried in the Scenes Layout View 2.
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