FBT choices... any suggestions?



After reading a number of reviews here, I'm leaning towards getting an FBT powered speaker as my primary amplification. I'm hoping it will serve three purposes:

* Practice amp
* Monitor for larger gigs
* Amp and monitor for smaller gigs.

I'll also use it to play through at home when I'm not using headphones.

The reason I need one solution for all three is space, or rather lack thereof. Cost is a factor, but I'm willing to spend a little more if it means getting a speaker that's good at of the above. :)

So far, I think I've narrowed it down to:

* MaxX 4a
* Verve 12a
* Verve 12ma (how are the characteristics of this diff from the 12a? I believe it can be used on the floor or vertically?)

How would these differ? Which do you think would be the best all-round for those three applications? Am I missing something I should be considering? I've ruled out the QSC because of weight and the JBL/Mackies because of sound.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

- S
strumbringer said:
* MaxX 4a
* Verve 12a
* Verve 12ma (how are the characteristics of this diff from the 12a? I believe it can be used on the floor or vertically?)

How would these differ? Which do you think would be the best all-round for those three applications? Am I missing something I should be considering?
- S
Verve high end drivers will be smoother than the maxx
Overall clarity/smoothness should be better in Verve series (per people at RMC audio)
Big difference between 12a & 12ma is 12ma has a coaxial speaker--high end driver is in middle of the speaker cone instead of a separate horn. Sonically, its familiar (for a guitar player) to have all frequencies coming out of one general "source" instead two locations. Out of the three, I'd recommend 12ma. It is specifically designed as a floor monitor (thus the M in the name), but it can also be put on a pole.
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