Legacy FAS modern with Cab Pack 13(Uber Chugga Metal)



Here's a little update from last time. Guitars are not processed(no eq, no comp, no reverb etc..), only recorded.
I'm playing Fujigen Elan 7 string, bareknuckle blackhawks, drop A tuning.
This is pretty straight forward in your face riffs i wrote randomly.
I just can't belive how those cabs work, i usually don't mix anything before i finish the whole song but this just haunts me.
And sorry for my english :D
And when i finish whole song preset will be avalible for download.
Thanks !

Cheerio !
That is absolutely crushing! The guitar tones and drum sounds are great. Great job man!

Would you mind posting your preset? Also, what Toontrack kit did you? And what snare did you use?

That is absolutely crushing! The guitar tones and drum sounds are great. Great job man!

Would you mind posting your preset? Also, what Toontrack kit did you? And what snare did you use?


Thanks man, i'll post preset later i'm not at home right now :)
i'm using avatar kit for every recording because it works best for me, kick is from metal machine only.
Snare is nir z custom, i take out bleed from far mics except snare, and compress shit out of that so then i get that big snare.
On snare im just compressing, 3.1 ratio, 15 ms attack, 100ms release, and 3-6 db gain reduction,

Hope that helps :)
It's always fun to get a clip with Cab Pack 13. They all sound so awesome and crushing! Nice job Darko! Don't forget to use the #mlsoundlab hashtag to make this an official competition entry! ;)
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