Eye Of the Tiger Harmony.


Power User
Hi guys,

I hope you are all well. Need a bit of help with the pitch block. I've gotta learn Eye of the Tiger in the band and I'm just trying to figure out the harmony part in one of the verses. I think I've got the main one sorted but need to figure out the 2nd one.

Any ideas what scale and intervals I should be using in the pitch block?

Many thanks

It depends on whether you want the FM9 to play the higher or lower note (ie, which part of the harmony are you going to play yourself?).

If I recall correctly from when I played this tune (and I played the lower note, with my pedal playing the higher note), you need to set the harmoniser to play a 3rd above and then set the key correctly (Cm, in my case). The first interval will be a minor 3rd above, and the next two will be major thirds.

If playing in stereo, you might want to pan the harmony slightly to one side, to make it sound like there are two guitars ...

Hope this helps?


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It depends on whether you want the FM9 to play the higher or lower note (ie, which part of the ahrmony are you going to play yourself?).

If I recall correctly from when I played this tune (and I played the lower note, with my pedal playing the higher note), you need to set the harmoniser to play a 3rd above and then set the key correctly (Cm, in my case). The first interval will be a minor 3rd above, and the next two will be major thirds.

If playing in stero, you might want to pan the harmony slightly to one side, to make it sound like there are two guitars ...

Hope this helps?


Thanks for the reply, that's a big help appreciate it! I was gonna play the the higher harmony but I can learn the lower one and use the FM9 to harmonise to the higher one. My only issue might be my singer who will probably change the key but I won't know that until we rehearsal on Monday next week.

I might have to use another guitar and tune down or use the Axe to use 2 pitch blocks, one for virtual capo and one for the harmoniser. It all depends what key we end up playing it in. I'll have to wait and see.

Would you suggest using the dual chromatic type in the pitch block? Or the dual diatonic?

Thanks again

The harmoniser needs to be intelligent (ie, to play in the correct key), so it needs to be diatonic, not chromatic. Because it is just a simple slow harmony I would go dual diatonic, set to Smooth.

Another tip - include whatever key you end up in in the Scene/Patch name - for example TIGER SOLO HARMONY (Cm) ... also learn how to get to the key parameter in the pitch block on the unit itself. That way when you get to rehearsal and if your singer can't pull off the high notes (!), you can shift the harmoniser key and change the scene name so you know what it was set at.

There is nothing worse than having harmonies programmed, and then have them screwed up because of a change in key or a detuned song. That's why I always labelled via the patch name!
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The harmoniser needs to be intelligent (ie, to play in the correct key), so it needs to be diatonic, not chromatic. Because it is just a simple slow harmony I would go dual diatonic, set to Smooth.

Another tip - include whatever key you end up in in the Scene/Patch name - for example TIGER SOLO HARMONY (Cm) ... also learn how to get to the key parameter in the picth block on the unit itself. That way when you get to rehearsal and if your singer cant pull off the high notes (!), you can shift the harmoniser key and change the scene name so you know what it was set at.

There is nothing worse than having harmonies programmed, and then have them screwed up because of a change in key or a detuned song. That's why I always labelled via the patch name!
Thank you! Yeah I know what you mean I'll have a couple of scenes programmed beforehand with different keys just in case! I'll goand see what I can come up with. It's a shame the FM9 doesn't have 2 pitch blocks it would make it a lot easier if I have to use the virtual capo and the harmoniser.

I could always use a Digitech drop I suppose when using my FM9. I'll see what key we end up playing in first before I go down that route.

Thanks again for all your help.
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Is the pitch block's key that difficult to change? Seems you could easily set up the other three channels of the pitch blocks to alternate keys and use a channel switch to step through them if the singer's chosen key is at least a little bit predictable, or just change the key and save once the desired key is found and set in stone....
Is the pitch block's key that difficult to change? Seems you could easily set up the other three channels of the pitch blocks to alternate keys and use a channel switch to step through them if the singer's chosen key is at least a little bit predictable, or just change the key and save once the desired key is found and set in stone....
No not at all, that’s what I meant to use channels in the pitch block and save the key of each one and as u said once we decide on the key I can then change it just use that particular key.

It was just if I needed to use the virtual capo as well. I think I might have to use the axe and add the 2nd pitch block if the virtual capo is needed as well. I’ll have to wait and see what happens at rehearsals next week.
Or you could set the key parameter to an expression pedal, and scroll up and down until you land on the right one!
Or you could set the key parameter to an expression pedal, and scroll up and down until you land on the right one!
Also a good idea. I think it will only be a minimum of 3 keys I’ll need to program. It might sound a little weird if we go too low in key. But you never know until you get in a room with everyone.

Thanks for all your help chaps! Really appreciate it! I’ll let you know how I get on!
I think I've got the harmony all programmed now sounds really good! Only issue is if I take the FM9 to rehearsal and need the virtual capo to drop tune I'd have to stick the pitch block at the front of the chain and then if I want to use the harmony I'd have to put that towards the end of the chain otherwise its sounds too muddy.

I suppose I could move the harmony position on the guitar and and switch channels to the harmoniser but I don't think the VC will sound that good at the back of the chain, It always sounds better first in the chain I think.

It obviously works with the Axe as it had 2 pitch blocks. Looks like I might have to either buy a drop pedal or tune my guitar down to the key we end up playing in. Or take the axe! It's a real dilemma lol.

Or maybe I could preset up using my Morningstar midi controller to change presets so that the harmony part has the pitch block at the end of the chain and original preset has it at the front. That would probably work too. Bit of messing around but it's a good work around I think!
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Or you could just play the two notes live, and not worry about the harmoniser (or you could use it for virtual capo)!
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