External tuner options

New to be Fractal user here. FM9 should be delivered this week. WOOT!!

I like to have an external tuner that is always on. I currently do this with my Helix floor with the following setup.
  • Guitar > IN Dunlop DVP4 Volume X Mini
    • AUX > Turbo Tuner ST-300
    • OUT > Helix
I would like to not use the external pedal. Is there a way to send global "pre" out in the FM9? That way no matter what gets put in the chain the pre out goes to the tuner. There is not a way to do this globally in the Helix which is why I use the DVP4. In the Helix I can do a pre send per patch but not globally as I would have to add the pre out to every patch.
Use Output 2 and set Output 2 Mode to Copy Output 1.
Please bear with me being a complete newb in the Fractal ecosystem. I bought the Cooper Carter vid and have started reading the manual since my email invite but I am only at the intro sections essentially.

Is Output 1 pre all effects? If I set this setting would it apply to all presets including built in presets? I would not want the output to be post any effects as I want the Tuner first in the chain.
Outputs are wherever you place them in the signal path.

However, you can also use Output 3 set to Copy Input 1. That will be a pure signal from Input 1.
This will produce the guitar input signal as output 3. Check FM9-Edit > Setup > Config for more info.
The FM9 tuner is great. I am not missing my Peterson StroboRack or StroboStomp HD. There are lots of posts here extolling the virtues of Fractal's built-in tuner. You may want to give it a chance and see if you can simplify your rig a bit in the process.
The FM9 tuner is great. I am not missing my Peterson StroboRack or StroboStomp HD. There are lots of posts here extolling the virtues of Fractal's built-in tuner. You may want to give it a chance and see if you can simplify your rig a bit in the process.
I have heard good things about the tuner. Having the always on tuner is something I have grown very accustomed with. I really dig my Turbo Tuner but if I can simplify and use the FM9 always on tuner it won't hurt my feelings to leave it at home.

I am definitely going to give it a chance.
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