External Looper Question

First off, let me add yet another plug for v10. Hadn't upgraded in about a year and the difference is extremely noticeable. Great job guys.

I am connecting a Jamman stereo looper pedal through the FX loop of the Axe. I currently have the FX loop on a separate line in the layout grid and have adjusted the Input 2 level to where there is no noticeable drop out in volume levels between what the FX loop is playing and what is coming through the instrument panel signal chain.

My question is related to the sound quality of the loop playback. Even at equal volume levels it sounds much less clear and dynamic than what I originally played to lay down the loop and what I am playing over the loop from the guitar chain.

Have a couple theories here and am looking for any suggestions:

1. The external looper is not true analog and maybe I need to accept that it will always color the sound?

2. Should I be using multiple cables from the looper to run a stereo connection? Currently just connecting the mono input and output.

3. Anything different I should be running from the IO page? Currently have everything running through mono/left inputs.

4. Anyone had success putting a clean boost on the FX loop block or a PEQ to improve the quality?

5. Maybe a Jamman issue altogether?

Thanks guys! Any suggestions are welcome.
I'm, not familiar with the jamman, I use a boomerang 3. I have stellar results running the outs of the axe into a radial proD2 to clean up the long cable run noise, then the radial out to the looper, looper back to the radail where I run the outs as XLR back to the axe. The radial and looper live on my floorboard. I had signal degradation until I added the radial box. I wish the axe looper could do multiple loops for verse/chorus parts but until then I use the boomerang.
I'm, not familiar with the jamman, I use a boomerang 3. I have stellar results running the outs of the axe into a radial proD2 to clean up the long cable run noise, then the radial out to the looper, looper back to the radail where I run the outs as XLR back to the axe. The radial and looper live on my floorboard. I had signal degradation until I added the radial box. I wish the axe looper could do multiple loops for verse/chorus parts but until then I use the boomerang.

I just hooked up my Rang3 and can't seem to get the send from Axe FX to get signal to the Rang. I know the Rang out to the Axefx is working correctly as I recorded a loop on it and then plugged into the Axefx and I can play that loop. Checked the cord. When FX loop block is bypassed the guitar can be heard. What else could it be?

I worked alot with loopers. Still do it. The main reason i started using ableton is, all loopers i had (roland rc 5O, line6 echo pro, boomerang 2, electro harmonix, jamman) they all suck your tone. An issue about their A/D converters...

What i mean by "suck your tone" is not volume. They kill the low end and hi freqs get muddier.
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U can loop and do anything u want with ableton. There is no limits u can go almost as far as your imagination lets u go.
U can use the mfc as controller or any other midi controller. I use rme fireface as interface, technicaly u can use also axe as an interface but i didnt try it yet.

How does ableton help you? I'm very interested to hear how you use it.
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