Ext. Stand-In Switch Setup w/ OFM9G?


Fractal Fanatic
Recently, my FM9 was set up with the OFM9G config, which wiped clean the former config and stand-in switches that were previously set up.
My external stand-in switches don't seem to accept assignments anymore (Utility > Tuner, Per-Preset > CS), and I'm wondering if there is something I'm not yet understanding clearly.
Have tried accessing Setup > FC Controllers/Onboard Switches > Stand-In Switches > Layout 1: Presets >> Utility: Tuner > Exit
The external stand-in switch does not recognize the tuner function, and instead, sends the FM9 to my PER-PRESET layout. Could use some help with this, please...
EDIT: Located the solution via trial/error...:)

Needed to setup the external switch as a Layout 7: Per Preset > Per Preset. It was necessary to select PP#1 for all presets and designate that as my Utility > Tuner. The external stand-in switch now performs as it should.
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I've not yet found a workaround for assigning the tuner function with anything but a pre preset function in each of my presets. If anyone has found a way to set up one per preset function (PP#1) globally across all presets so one doesn't need assign Utility > Tuner each time one creates a new or reworks a preset, plz chime in...
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EDIT: It was discovered that when accessing the front panel and FC Controller/Onboard Switches > Stand-In Switches > FM9 SW2 > Layout 7: PER PRESET and pressing the E button (GO TO Switch), within that screen it is possible to assign a tap function Category: Utility; Function: Tuner.

Upon exiting, a brief test disclosed that the external stand-in switch is designated exclusively as a Layout 7: PER-PRESET | 1: Per Preset, Placeholder / Utility: Tuner function.

PP#1 (the tuner) still needs to be assigned to each new preset as it is created within FC Per-Preset, otherwise the tuner function will not activate when pressed for that particular preset.

EDIT: In subsequent posts it's revealed that the OFM9G config was not in error nor did it exclude a Utility: Tuner function. What occurred was that my OFM9G layouts did not contain a Tuner function, which was the reason Utility: Tuner did not appear in the front panel FC Controllers > Stand-In Switches menu.
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Stand-In switches are not assigned to functions. They are assigned to switch positions in your layout. They "stand in" for an FC switch in one of your layouts. Whatever that specific switch in that layout is assigned to do, the stand in switch will also do (both tap and hold if you external switch is momentary).

Set up an FC switch in one of your layouts to pull up the tuner or find an existing one in a default layout and make a mental note of the layout and switch numbers. Then go into the Stand-In switch menu and assign your external switch to stand-in for that same switch in that same layout.
Stand-In switches are not assigned to functions. They are assigned to switch positions in your layout. They "stand in" for an FC switch in one of your layouts. Whatever that specific switch in that layout is assigned to do, the stand in switch will also do (both tap and hold if you external switch is momentary).

Set up an FC switch in one of your layouts to pull up the tuner or find an existing one in a default layout and make a mental note of the layout and switch numbers. Then go into the Stand-In switch menu and assign your external switch to stand-in for that same switch in that same layout.
Thanks. For some reason, none of my layouts had a Utility: Tuner residing in them. Adding one to MORE SCENES enabled the Utility: Tuner feature to reappear within the Stand-In Switches menu and was subsequently assigned to FM9 SW2.

I was wondering why Utility: Tuner wasn't in Stand-In Switches. Utility: Tap Tempo was, but for the life of me, didn't realize why until you described the solution.

Thanks again. You've come through on several of my questions when up till then I struggled a bit to determine what to do.
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Yeah it can be a little confusing for sure. The Stand-In switch menu shows the chosen switch's function for convenience, but it can make you think in terms of switch functions and not switch positions. Once the Stand-In switch is assigned to a switch position, you can go back to that switch in FC Edit and change the switch function completely and the Stand-In switch will still activate whatever you assign to that position in the layout.
And it is also possible to create individual PP tuner utilities for each preset, but that's time-consuming and doesn't make for an efficient use of per presets. Two separate solutions for one goal. Yours is much more efficient. Thanks again.
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