Expression pedal only works with MFC, not direct in Axe-Fx


When I have my expression pedal in the number one input on the MFC it works fine, but when I have to use the midi for the Axe-Edit, and am forced to plug my expression pedal into the number one input on the Axe-Fx it doesn't work.

I have tried to see what I've missed, but can't find it. Aren't both inputs interchangeable?

- jonah
Are you using I/O > Pedals to configure the pedal when plugging in directly?
You'd have to change one or more items at the I/O - CTRL page too. The MFC was sending some CC# for the pedal; anything set to that CC# in the list has to be changed to "Pedal 1" to keep responding. Change back to original CC# to use pedal w/ MFC again.
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