Expression Pedal for Delay


Power User
Is there a way to set my delay to engage when my expression pedal (EV-1) is ONLY all the way down or toe down? Or like that last 5-10%? And as soon as I come out of that very end range the delay switches to bypass? I was experimenting before but couldn’t get it. I know how to connect the expression pedal to generally control Delay bypass but not within a specific range. Thanks for your time in advance
In the Delay modifier, swap the 'Min' and 'Max' settings, 'Min' to 'BYPASSED', 'Max' to 'ENGAGED'. On the bottom row of parameters, set the 'Start' and 'Mid' to 0.0%, set 'End' to any value over 50.0% and the 'Scale' to 10.000. You can adjust the 'Scale' parameter to fine tune when the block gets bypassed at the end of the pedals sweep.
You could leave the block always engaged and use the delay input knob to turn on the delay. Then you get the benefit of the modifier curve and damping....
In the Delay modifier, swap the 'Min' and 'Max' settings, 'Min' to 'BYPASSED', 'Max' to 'ENGAGED'. On the bottom row of parameters, set the 'Start' and 'Mid' to 0.0%, set 'End' to any value over 50.0% and the 'Scale' to 10.000. You can adjust the 'Scale' parameter to fine tune when the block gets bypassed at the end of the pedals sweep.
perfect, thank you!
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