Exit tuner with tap in Per Preset


In the Master Layout, you enter/activate the tuner by holding the tap tempo switch and you can exit it by tapping it.

How do I get the same behaviour happening on a switch in Per Preset?

ie. exit tuner with a tap and not a hold.


(And man, I LOVE the FM9T, both in 4cm and using the amp models + power amp with my guitar cabs. It is amazing!)
What does your switch config look like? I have no problem doing that...

When you say "Per Preset" do you mean the Per Preset layout or are you meaning a per-preset override or placeholder switch?
Sorry, I mean in Per Preset Layout.

Also, I’m working on the FM9 unit itself and not the editor.

I have the switch set to hold to enter tuner, but then it needs to hold to exit it, instead of just a tap…

Sorry, I mean in Per Preset Layout.

Also, I’m working on the FM9 unit itself and not the editor.

I have the switch set to hold to enter tuner, but then it needs to hold to exit it, instead of just a tap…

I don't use the Per Preset layout (all the layouts on mine are custom or empty)...

But I have the Tuner on Hold of my main layout and it exits fine with a tap.

Maybe someone else can confirm. It may be an issue affecting per-preset placeholders.
I believe this is a limitation of the Per-Preset switches at this time. You need to hold it when using Per-Preset.

Consider assigning that switch to actual Tap/Tuner, rather than PP, and all other switches can still be PP.
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