Evh 5153 New User


Power User
Just started using the 5153 amp models and love them. The green clean much better than I thought. Blue channel I can modify to make into a plexi sound and red, well you all know what that does :)

My question is what exactly are the differences in channels? Is it the voicing and eq frequencies? would using the green channel plus a drive pedal or tube screamer be basically turning it into the blue or red channel? I just saw a Brandon Ellis video on his Facebook with a shredding lead and he said it wa the green channel with an overdrive. Sounded like the red channel! I know ultimately it comes down to user taste and customization preferences with your foot switches, but I guess I’m just trying to learn more about the amp and how ppl set it up. Right now I’m thinking of using all three channels with a drive available to volume pedal to alter volume as needed
It’s always a good idea to read the manual for a particular amp to get the manufacturer’s take on it. Then the Wiki’s Amplifier Models List talks about the Fractal implementation and points to Yek’s page about even more information. Not every specific model is discussed, but the base model is, and that should be sufficient to get you going.
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