Europa (Carlos Santana) - MFP Marco Fanton Project - Live with FM9 on stage

question about the Redsound MF10
What do you set your FM9 output to?
-10dBv or +4dBv?
(It can handle +4dBv?)
What is the difference between the G66 version of the MF10s and the version I see available in the US, other than the obvious power it runs on?
Marco you and the band sound awesome. Great sound and very reminiscent of ‘90’s Santana. I am new to fractal so am curious, did you create the sound based on an amp model you typically use or an amplifier Mr. Santana is know to use ie Boogie?
Marco you and the band sound awesome. Great sound and very reminiscent of ‘90’s Santana. I am new to fractal so am curious, did you create the sound based on an amp model you typically use or an amplifier Mr. Santana is know to use ie Boogie?
this is a clear sample to demonstrate the sound strongly depends of the playing...)
My numbers are:
80% the man
20% the gear (chosen by the man)

During my gigs I use only one presets with different scenes
I use Herby Amp with Valhall IR (Preset MF Herby included on my MF Rock Pack)
I use the same sound for this song...

I agree with you 100% about the player coming through any equipment. Thanks for the reply. I am also new to forums so I am on parallel learning paths here. It feels like I’m at the event horizon, about to be pulled into the infinite lol
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