Epiphany...I'm an idiot


I've had my FM9 and FM3 for a couple years now and I am just NOW realizing that I had the cabs panned in the center at 0 and I only plug my unit on the OUT L at home and most of the time when recording or smaller shows. Never knew why some presets just would not "pop" or jazz me up. Panned to -100 on my presets I made and holy shit.... What a difference. Why am I just now realizing this... Am I off on this or will this create more problems for me? I do understand if I ever go L and R out that I will need to change an pan accordingly. But just wanted to post my noob dumb story to get some feedback on it. Thanks!
The only difference in that case would be level. Full panned Left would be about 6 dB louder compared to panned center if you were using only the left output jack. In a direct comparison, we typically hear the louder of the two as sounding "better", "fuller", etc.
Damn good point and did not think of that. Thank you.
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