Enhancer block mystery! Cannot figure out why this is…

Hello. This is another issue based on a recent post. I have a main signal chain going to Output 1 and to FRFR speakers, which works fine. But, then I branch it off to Output 3 for my In-Ear Monitors. I'm using Output 3 because I don't have XLR cables, right now, to use Output 2. If I engage the Enhancer Block, I have pretty decent volume through my IEM. If I take out the Enhancer block I have practically no sound in my In-Ears. The Output monitor meter (in FM9 Edit) shows the same level of signal, but I have almost no sound in my In-Ears, except what sounds like only the reverb. I've even removed everything except Input 1, Amp, and Cab block. Then I have practically no sound - not even the reverb. Obviously, I can leave the enhancer block and go my happy, ignorant, way. But, I'm really trying to educate myself and can't seem to figure this one out! What is it about the Enhancer block that restores all the volume in my IEM. BTW, there's the most volume in the Classic Enhancer mode, less in the Modern mode, and even less in the Stereoizer mode. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Sounds like a wiring issue, like the iems are getting two “hots” or something and are phase cancelling.
So I just found some XLR mic cable and an adapter so I was able to use Output 2. It actually works fine with or without the enhancer block. So, there's something going on with Output 3 and the enhancer block. Thanks for all your help. I know Output 3 is different than Output 2 on the FM9, but I don't understand why the Enhancer block would be all the difference!
Imho there's something flipping the phase on one channel, it could be the output settings or some wires exchanged in your cables or outboard gear. The enhancer block makes the signal on the L and R channels different, so when you activate it there's no more phase cancellation happening.

PS: is your IEM setup mono?
what cable are you using to plug your in ears in the output 3? if you are using a splitter and it splits to two TRS instead of two TS for L and R it may be the problem
Yes, it may be that I don't understand the Tasty Blender mixer (for IEM). I was using a Y cable, running TS cables from both the L and R outputs of Ouput 3 to a TRS 1/4" jack into the Tasty Blender which was set on Stereo (setting to Mono didn't actually help either). That set-up required the Enhance Block. Now I just tried one TRS cable from the R output of Output 3 into the tasty blender and set Ouput 3 to Copy R to L. That works. I don't need the Enhancer block. I just don't get stereo in my IEM. Very confusing but it's making more sense now. Thanks to everyone!
For anyone who's interested or contemplating the same set-up, here is the Tasty Blender manual. Thanks again!


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Yes, it may be that I don't understand the Tasty Blender mixer (for IEM). I was using a Y cable, running TS cables from both the L and R outputs of Ouput 3 to a TRS 1/4" jack into the Tasty Blender which was set on Stereo (setting to Mono didn't actually help either). That set-up required the Enhance Block. Now I just tried one TRS cable from the R output of Output 3 into the tasty blender and set Ouput 3 to Copy R to L. That works. I don't need the Enhancer block. I just don't get stereo in my IEM. Very confusing but it's making more sense now. Thanks to everyone!
You were plugging in the input 3 of tasty blender right? 1 and 2 are balanced mono only.
Now I just tried one TRS cable from the R output of Output 3 into the tasty blender and set Ouput 3 to Copy R to L.
And also, you shouldn't use a trs cable into the fm9 outputs unless it's a humbuster cable. And if going mono it's better to set it to "Sum L+R", or just leaving it at "stereo" if you have no stereo effects.
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