Electric Violin Anyone?


Note: This is not about making your guitar sound like a violin.

Is anyone using an electric violin through their FM9? I'm considering doing this - and am looking into what effects would be nice for it, and, most importantly, what IRs would be good. Thinking about a 5-string, which, with pitch-shifted down 1 octave, gives me a cello. Add to that, a cello IR, that would sound pretty good I think. And then I see some violinists embracing the electric sound, and not trying to make it sound like an acoustic. I'd work in that mode also, of course. After all, electric guitarists (usually) don't try to make their guitar sound like an acoustic.

I don't have an electric violin yet - thinking about the Yamaha YEV-105.

Any experiences anyone has would be welcome.

I run my violin through my III with a clip on condenser mic and it sounds great. I never have any monitoring on stage because there would be feedback, but it's right up against my ear anyway. Some compression, a little reverb.
I use a standard acoustic violin with a Schertler Stat-V pickup. I've got AxeFX III and newly FM9

I can get a nice acoustic tone using just parametric and graphic EQs with reverb, on up to "Tube pre" for more color, to various amps and FX. I find best sound with my set up is low gain amps - Princeton, Double verb, Carr, ODS 100 clean, etc with varying amounts of gain. This pickup almost never feeds back unless I go for high gain. Works great with verbs, delays, chorus and other FX whammy, wah, etc. Preferred OD are FET boost and 808 [with low gain]. Generally into a pair of Redsound stereo setup and/or FOH with redsound as stage amp. I can get excellent rock, blues, funk, jazz, fusionish sounds.

I'm going to experiment with solid body violins more.
Thanks for chiming in, guys. I'm definitely going to go to a solid body. It would be way more forgiving. I'm good enough to be smart with effects, and the parts I choose, and to stay in my lane, so that I have a good result in the mix. Thanks for the details @violindave . I wasn't sure about what amps to use. I'll experiment with your list to start. Right now I only have an acoustic, and I'm micing it with an SM58. That doesn't translate well with adding effects, beyond delay and reverb.
I'm not a violin player but I do love that sound. I may have to try renting or buying a violin and see if I could bond with playing the actual instrument.
Bought an electric violin about 20 years ago, a Fender I think. Anyway, had nothing but trouble with it and sold it. Later I found out about rosin. Boy did I feel stupid.
I'm not a violin player but I do love that sound. I may have to try renting or buying a violin and see if I could bond with playing the actual instrument.
I'm borrowing right now. I was 100% sure there were about a dozen families in our circle of friends who have a violin kicking around in a closet somewhere.

My plan, from long ago, was to play violin for 8 years, take a 42 year break, and then pick it back up again. So I'm right on schedule. :p It's interesting how quickly it came back to me, though. I'm having a blast. One of my goals, once I get the electric, is to get the FM9 to do this for me:
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