EJ's MXR Repeat Hold on FM9


New Member
New to modeling/Fractal, and don't have a unit yet. Apologies in advance if my question generates any substantial eye-rolling. I swear I used the search!

I'd like to be able to reproduce EJ's MXR 1500 infinite delay hold function on FM9. I'm aware that the delay feature exists in general, and that it seems to be part of the FX3 presets. A couple questions here:

Is Cooper's EJ Clean preset available on the FM9, and is it set up with the repeat hold function?
Can the FM9 continue the repeat hold while switching tones? In the '88 ACL vid for Dover, the MXR keeps the original repeat hold (clean) even when EJ is switching from a clean tone to a lead tone. Maybe doable with a looper block?
IIRC, there is an EJ Clean preset built into the FM9. The way to obtain a "repeat hold" infinite delay is to utilize the "repeat stack/hold" parameter within the delay block.

Here's a YT vid I researched that describes what you're looking for...you'd likely need to create a modifier on the HOLD function to turn it on and off.
The modifier would allow you to hold a chord or note infinitely until you turn off the hold function.

Awesome, thank you for finding/sharing that!

So, trying to connect some dots here. If I have global spillover enabled, can that Hold function spillover to a different preset as long as the new preset has the same delay and control switch enabled? I tried to find an example on YouTube, but the ones I found they stay within the same preset. The idea is to have the clean repeat, but switch to a lead tone preset to play over it.
New to modeling/Fractal, and don't have a unit yet. Apologies in advance if my question generates any substantial eye-rolling. I swear I used the search!

I'd like to be able to reproduce EJ's MXR 1500 infinite delay hold function on FM9. I'm aware that the delay feature exists in general, and that it seems to be part of the FX3 presets. A couple questions here:

Is Cooper's EJ Clean preset available on the FM9, and is it set up with the repeat hold function?
Can the FM9 continue the repeat hold while switching tones? In the '88 ACL vid for Dover, the MXR keeps the original repeat hold (clean) even when EJ is switching from a clean tone to a lead tone. Maybe doable with a looper block?
The factory preset EJ Clean is your friend.

@yek says in this Factory Presets page in the Wiki:

096 - EJ CLEAN — Eric Johnson's clean signature sound, using a Fender Vibroverb, chorus and tape echo. "ACL" means "Austin City Limits". Some scenes were created by Cooper Carter. Control Switch 1 freezes the delay.

I don’t remember if there’s a per-preset control switch already defined for CS 1, but, if not it’s easily done. CS 1 controls the freeze for Delay 2, so you have to be on a scene that enables that delay before triggering the freeze; one is defined so experiment. Figuring out that part took some digging into the preset to get the moving parts lined up. It’s another example of how useful the Fractal factory presets are.
The YT search bar is your friend...try "Fractal FM9 Effects Spillover"...this example utilizes Axe III 2019's OS version...

Simply select ByPass Mode to Mute FX In to allow effects spillover...there's also a global spillover for delay/reverb in case you wish to switch between presets, rather than scenes...

Nice, thank you! This is all new territory for me, so I think I was just not clicking on the proper videos. I’m usually pretty decent at doing my own research. Thanks again for the assist!
If perhaps you can't find what you need under Leon Todd's or Cooper Carter's G66 video collection, the YT search bar has other contributors' videos that can direct you. TBH, I couldn't originally find what I was looking for with LT, and he's relatively comprehensive with his videos, so a wider range of research was needed with YT entirely...:)
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