Wish Effect Spillover - Strymon Style


New Member
Wondering if Fractal can incorporate the following:

The Strymon Timeline has a clever way of dealing with spillover and addresses Fractal's response to needing additional CPU power to create spillover in certain scenarios (and prevent the dreaded glitch effect when changing sounds with different delay and reverb block settings). My understanding is Strymon basically uses a small 'looper' inside the pedals with extra memory which saves several seconds of audio. When you switch presets, it just plays that recording while decreasing in volume until it fades out. Fractal units already have a looper in their units so I don't think this would be too difficult to incorporate into the delay and reverb blocks and could even be an option per preset/scene/channel etc.. or a global setting (I'll let Fractal figure out the details ha).

The biggest hurdle I think would be NOT feeding the new preset/scene/channel delay and reverb blocks with the "recording" while still allowing the new sound to incorporate the new block's settings while the "recording" spills over. Technical mumbo jumbo would require the actual delay/reverb from one sound to completely cut out from the signal chain as a new sound is loaded while the recording takes over in the background (I hope Fractal can figure this out).

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