Easy solution for anyone with the FM3 USB power and/or connectivity issues


I know from posts here and elsewhere that there are a fair number of us out there that have an FM3 where the USB powers the unit in weird ways while the unit is powered off (e.g., screen and/or leds stay on), and then occasionally has connection issues with the "device not recognized" error in windows. My limited understanding after discussions with tech support is that the power is being randomly delivered to components on the board, and it seemed likely that the board had to be replaced.

A simple solution I have found: put it on a USB switch and leave the switch off permanently. This will kill the power, which isn't used anyway, but not the PC connectivity.

I haven't had any disconnection problems since doing this, however I found that the thing to do if you ever do have them again is to remove the USB cable, fully boot unit, then plug the USB back in.

Hope it helps someone.
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