Wish Dyna-Cab Load Bypass Option


Power User
Dyna-Cab decompression and loading adds considerable time to the boot sequence, which under emergency stage conditions, i.e. a crash, is a problem for those not using Dyna-Cabs, i.e. those using guitar cabs, another cab sim, or standard IR's.

It would be great to be able to defeat the Dyna-Cab decompression and load sequence from the boot operation, via a setting to shorten the boot time as desired.

From Yek: "Alternatively, enable this function through pressing one of the switches at power-up, like the HOLD switch when switching on the power to bypass the loading and decompressing of Dynacabs".
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Sounds useful! Anything to quick recovery. I wonder if background load is precluded?

As DynaCab tech has me enjoying CabLab for the first time, I’m not really building with the built in DynaCabs.
Perhaps a
It would be great to be able to defeat the Dyna-Cab decompression and load sequence from the boot operation, via a setting to shorten the boot time as desired.

Alternatively, enable this function through pressing one of the switches at power-up.
Like "HOLD switch .. when switching on the power to bypass the loading and decompressing of Dynacabs".
As folks were discussing an FM9 "crash" that was really likely just a bad software state earlier, it got me wondering about "soft reboot" options. We have safe boot analogous to desktop computers, but not really a "restart finder" option. If I read it right, the user's FM9 was operable enough to get through on effects until another song break, so it seems like some other "break and refresh" command might be a more direct way of getting a unit up and running after the occasional glitch in firmware manifests. Just a thought; doesn't replace wish. Thanks.
Would also request an option to permanently disable them.
Don't get me wrong DynaCabs are nice and i'm glad Fractal ported them to the FM3 but after finding a couple of good ones i am content with having them as IRs.
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