Dumb question about global blocks


Power User
about 90% of my presets rely on 1 amp model, as if I were actually using an amp on stage, and as such I wish I was able to tweak input volume, bass and treble like on a real amp, and have these changes applied to all my presets using that amp. Now the question is: does that amp have to be on the same block across all presets (i.e. Amp1 X) or can it be on different blocks as long as I save it with the same name (i.e. Amp2 Y)?
Also, I read that global blocks affect both the x and y states, does this mean that if I want to make my main amp a global block it will always have whatever is stored on its Y state as well?
Global settings apply to an instance of a block. So you can not recall global Amp1 settings in Amp2.

Yes, X and Y are part of the global block.
Global settings apply to an instance of a block. So you can not recall global Amp1 settings in Amp2.

Yes, X and Y are part of the global block.
Thanks @yek, in other words I'd have to make sure that my main amp is on amp1X on all presets before making it global, right? And if a preset shares amp1X but uses a different amp1Y I cannot use it as a global block, right?
2x correct.

Just to be complete: turning an amp block into a global block ("save as global") initially applies to that preset only.
You then have to go through your presets and link the amp block to that global block instance ("load), and save the preset.
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Ok, I've been linking all the global blocks on my presets, however all of them are still named amp1.. is there a way to rename them so that I know which is which??
You can always load the global block unlinked as well. Keeps you from having to dial in the same settings over and over, yet still lets you make changes for just that one preset. Down side is you have to manually update unlinked blocks when you make changes to your global block.
Has Fractal given any reason to why editing the names of the global blocks is not available yet?

I don't know the official Fractal reason, but I'm pretty sure it's because (whilst that is a very useful thing to have) they are probably busy as can be working on other more important areas such as the amp modelling itself.
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