Drives - Mix or Level?


Noticed some people do it differently...I've been turning my drive block all the way and then using the mix knob (and pedal gain) to get where I want. Is there a "right" way to do this?
no right way afaik - I've been using drive block gain + level with mix at 100% to get my tone + a filter block after the amp to compensate for unwanted volume difference if needed (filter blk sync'd to drive on/off + channel).
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Leave Mix at 100% typically and use Level.

Most real world drives do not have a user adjustable Mix and drive isn't really a mix-oriented effect.

And the Mix on the Drive block is a bit odd in any case.

Also, from the Blocks Guide:

Dry Level – While the Drive block has a mix control, it would be rare to use it at a setting of less than 100%. Many drive effects, however, also include some dry signal in the wet portion of the effect. This parameter controls how much. For types based on a Tube Screamer, this will default to 100%. For other types this will default to
0%. Values up to 200% are allowed. Note that as in the original analog circuits,the dry is added before any tone controls, so adjusting this setting is not exactly equivalent to adjusting mix.

All that being said, I did often use the Mix on some drives on the Axe Fx II for a different flavor. I haven't used it in quite some time.
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