Drive Stacking Suggestions


Hi All,

So, just got another FX8...(Long story) and really want to make it work this time.

So, in this pursuit, what drive stacking suggestions have you all got? Anybody do this?

I predominantly use the drive form my Victory V100, but every now and then fancy some different flavours.

(low drive) T808 + (low drive) T808

Face Fuzz / Bender + Octavia

T808 + Face Fuzz / Bender

RCB + anything

Face Fuzz / Bender + Treb Boost
I don't typically stack drive pedals but I do like to put a drive pedal on into a dirty channel of my amp for a solo boost. The classic is the TS808 with low gain and high output. It works just like my TS9 pedal did. I have also found that I like the Eternity drive for similar purposes but with with more gain and less volume. It doesn't seem to color the EQ as much as the TS808 model does.
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