Does the FM9 switch presets faster than the FM3?

All things being equal (same presets/amp, etc.) does the FM9 switch presets faster than the FM3? Same question for scenes.

I realize this question may not be as simple as it seems and a lot of factors might play into the length of the gap when switching.

The reason I ask: I'm pretty happy with the FM3 and am thinking about adding a FC6, but if there's less of a gap when switching presets, I'd be inclined to go for a FM9.

My old Axe FX II seems to switch faster than the FM3 (although it could be my imagination).
I traded my FM3 when I got the FM9 so I don't have them side by side, but I don't notice much difference in the times when changing presets. I only switch presets between songs though, so it doesn't really matter for my use case.
All things being equal (same presets/amp, etc.) does the FM9 switch presets faster than the FM3? Same question for scenes.

I realize this question may not be as simple as it seems and a lot of factors might play into the length of the gap when switching.
8 scenes are not enough for you?

The FM9 has two amplifier blocks, which helps a lot if you need to quickly change the sound. IMHO, because of the higher CPU power, the chain can be complicated.
Thanks for the info and feedback. I typically use scenes when I’m making subtle changes to a sound and presets when completely changing the sound. Seems like there’s not much difference been the FM3 and FM9. Hmmm. Maybe a FC6 is in order to have quick access to more scenes.
I have one I have been meaning to put up for sale since September. Could save you a bit of cash. Red CEBA wrap, currently has Temple quick-mount plates on the bottom, so it is ready to drop onto a Temple board. PM if interested....
Thanks, Joe Bfstplk, for selling me your FC-6! I loaded the OMG-9 setup and it works great. The switching gap is now negligible/not noticeable. I was using a dual external footswitch before along with the buttons on the FM3 and I must have had something configured wrong, because now there really isn't a gap for practical purposes and it's great to have quick asset to more presents/scenes/effects.
I owned an FM3 and upgraded to an FM9. They are exactly the same in my experience, the only difference being the Amp block, it does have a delay as it switches to load a different amp; with the FM9 you avhe two Amp blocks and switching is instant and in my experience better than real amp switching which also usually has a click/delay.
I agree with @dejoblue.

The great thing about the FM9 (compared to the FM3 in my opinion) is the two amp blocks. If you want to switch amp channels on the FM9, try setting up two amp blocks and switch between them with the multiplexer. I generally have clean channel (JP2C clean) and a dirty channel (JP2C yellow), and I switch between them this way. I also use the same cabinet models for everything.

With the FM3 there is a slight lag when switching between amp channels. It isn't terrible, but it's enough of a lag that I use the FM9 for live performance now.

With the AF3, I didn't have to worry about using two amp blocks, because I didn't experience a noticeable delay when switching channels on a single amp block. (In earlier firmware there was a lag, but they corrected it later.)

The only downside with the FM3 and FM9 is that I tend to only switch between two amp channels with the multiplexer. Ideally, you'd want to switch between any amp channel on a single amp block and not experience any lag. If that were the case, I would use three different amp models instead of just two.
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