Do I have a "Bass" Problem


Hi All

I've noticed "boomy" issues with some of my presets where the strings feel almost too percussive and fight back rather than a smooth, buttery feel as I pick. This tends to happen on any amp I use. However, last night, as an experiment, I simply turned down the "Bass" control on my Fender FR10 and it smoothed it out a ton.

I am curious if anyone has run into this issue, and determined the best way to handle bass frequencies. I always use a lo cut at at least 80, so curious if the best move would be to (a) always dial in less Bass than I think, (b) do a bigger lo cut, or (c) keep using the FR speaker to control.

At gig levels, I need to reduce the Bass on my FR-10 to around 3 to keep the low-end under control. Also reduce the Treble, and raised the High-Cut a bit too.

I typically add a Low-Cut (around 75-100Hz?) and High-Shelf (-3 to 5 dB at around 6-7k), as needed, on my channels on the mixing console at live shows too.

That being said, you might still have a 'Bass' problem. If you build presets without any Subs, There can likely be excess low-end, without your knowledge, that shows up at gig levels on a system with subs.
I was struggling with some boomy tones for a while, but I found using LT's multiband compressor setting really helped tame this while keeping a thick tone otherwise.
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