Do I even need an interface?


I just went through the Re-Amping section in the manual and it opened my eyes up to using the fractal as the interface too. Before I just ran XLR's to input 1&2 of my interface but was having trouble getting with the re-amp process to work until I took the interface out of the equation and used only the FM9. I was getting into issues with assigning my computers inputs/outputs along with my Logic sessions.

I guess I'm wondering now if there's even a need for me to keep my interface or how I can even still utilize it. I don't want to keep unplugging the cables from the monitors that have always gone to my interface now into the FM9.

3:20 this individual mentions how he has his Axe3 hooked up to a mixer and speaker and his DAW is connected to an interface which is connected to monitors and a sub.

This is where I get lost in all the routing he has and how he makes selections in the DAW and Computer to get things working all together. I'm just dumb when it comes to Pro audio routing and such. Always have been a simple pedal board and amp user. I'm trying to learn! lol The Fractal manual is the first manual I've ever committed to reading.
If u only record guitar, just use the FM9. If however you mic up ANYTHING, much less multiple sources at once, I'd keep the interface. You could get a monitor controller to choose your input source as another option, but still keep the flexibility they interface offers.
I have an interface because I'm not always using my guitar when I run audio, and I'd rather not run the FM9 when I don't have to. Less wear and tear on the unit.
Using the FM9 as an audio interface was the nice thing about switching from the AX8 to the FM9. Especially because one system I play on previously only had an HX Stomp as the interface and I used another system with an audio interface with XLR inputs for vocals in another room. (It took me a bit to figure out the detuning of my previous recordings was from the different sample rates between the HX Stomp and the FM9... Duh).

I was curious about how others set up their systems. I think this is covered in the manual, but @GlennO 's link was helpful. The "Aggregate devices" section looked pretty cool, but I got confused when it mentioned "the Audio Midi Setup app." What Audio Midi Setup app? For the FM9? On my DAW? In FM9 Edit? Then, the next section (5) mentioned, "What if... you're not on a Mac?" Then I looked back and noticed the aggregate section implied a Mac, but was not explicit about it being limited to Mac. Unless, there is some Audio Midi Setup app on a PC?
As it says in the recording guide “If you’re on a Mac, aggregate devices are a good solution…”. There is no equivalent on windows. All of the other configurations in the recording guide are suitable for Windows.
If u only record guitar, just use the FM9. If however you mic up ANYTHING, much less multiple sources at once, I'd keep the interface. You could get a monitor controller to choose your input source as another option, but still keep the flexibility they interface offers.
Makes sense. I like the idea of taking the interface preamps out of the equation but for recording anything else it makes sense to keep the interface.
I record via axe in input 1 and capture DI
i record amps via the UA ox into inputs 3 (and 4) at times

if I want to mic something, I settle on a mic input from an older 11rack via input 3 as well.
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