Direct Recording - Axe FX Ultra - Phoenix Cover

I've only had the Axe FX Ultra for 2 weeks, but I've had soo much fun using it live and at home. I basically sold all of my pedals to pay for it, so I'm glad it is as good as what people are raving about!

I decided to do a recording of the basic guitar tone I'm using live. I recorded these guitar tracks directly into protools on my mac via a mbox mini. There is nothing extra on the guitar tracks. What you hear is direct from the AxeFX.

I used the bass and drum track from the Phoenix studio sessions - the song 'Rome'. The 3 guitar parts were recorded direct with the AxeFX. And my vocals were recorded on a standard sm57 with compression and reverb added to the vocal track in protools.

You can download the studio sessions of Phoenix from their website:

In summary, I'm now a massive fan of this AxeFX unit!!

Feel free to let me know what you think of the guitar tones. Don't worry about the vocal.. I know I need lessons! haha

MP3 of the cover:
MP3 of just the guitar and bass:
Youtube video (it shows the settings I used etc):
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