dimarzio crunch lab and ej?


im thinking about getting a crunch lab for the bridge and ej for the neck of my epiphone les paul. any thoughts or comments on this? the ej is mostly going to be just for cleans and the crunch lab mostly just for distorted tones.
What are you looking for in terms of tone and output?

I tried a Crunch Lab in an Ibanez RGA121 Prestige I used to own. I was a little underwhelmed. It was a decent pickup but just had this cold, dry sound to it that I didn't like. It seemed like a balanced pickup in terms of EQ and worked well for down tuned metal riffing but for leads it just had no character. A lot of people rave about it, however, so maybe it just didn't suit my tastes in that particular guitar.

No experience with the EJ.
idk about those two together

crunchlab+liquifire is a good choice

Evolution Neck/Bridge might be too hot

Evolution Neck and EVO2 Bridge might be a little more mild

But idk if thats a good choice in an epiphone

D-Activator may be a good choice if you want an active/emg distored sound

some sort of PAF or Tone Zone would give a better neck clean tone

but anything with dimarzio on it is a good choice
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