Digitech freqout


New Member
Hello FAS brain - any advice on whether I should run my digitech freqout pedal in series with the FM3 or in the FX loop?
Currently running fm3 and fc6 with OMG 9 layout.
I like it in front.

It's supposed to be replicating something that happens in the guitar, so it makes sense to have it be the first thing after the guitar.
Works well in different spots, works great in front, but if you put it in a loop you can do fun stuff like have a delay effect just on the feedback sound
I have an FM3 and use that one pedal as I haven't find a suitable way to instantly get feedback in the FM3.

I run it in the FX loop and just set it first in the chain. I run it in parallel using the "dry only" mode and keep it always on. That way I can use the preset regardless of whether the pedal is connected or I decided not to bring it :)

I map a switch to toggle the OUT2 and use that to turn it off or on. Works fine for my purpose :) Looking at this screenshot, maybe I should actually toggle the IN2 to prevent unwanted noise. I'll try that next time I'm in the rehearsal room.
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