Diezel + Rectifier + bareknuckle painkillers


Hi, Im testing a new mix with a Diezel and Rectifier simulation (with RedWirez ir's) thanks for listen


P.D: Bass is the guitar with a pitchshifter

edit: I change the url of the song for the last one

edit: There are the guitar patches

DrJacKo said:
This is the rectifier patch:


On cab page you will see I use on CAB R the USER 9 program (In this user I load a RedWirez 4x12 Orange with Roger121 CapEdge 6inch)

This is the Diezel patch:


On cab page I use the USER 9 program (RedWirez 4x12 Orange etc etc) on both cabs (L and R)

This is the Superior 2 Session

Thats seriously heavy man!

My only suggestion would be to add a little more high frequency to the guitar tones... A bit muddy IMO. I know that type of tone begs for a lot of low frequency, but increasing the highs might help bring out the clarity in what you're playing.
That's definitely a nice tone to work with. If I were you I'd cut around 200-300hz to decrease the mud, and possibly around 1khz to reduce the quack. A low-pass filter would reduce some of the fizz, while a boost around 5500khz can add some nice sizzle and brightness without sounding hissy.
Dude! :)
I think that's the closest I've heard to Meshuggah's recent tone.
Something I've wanted but not achieved yet with the Axe.

Please, please share the patch :)
That's heavy as hell.

I'd have to mess with it here to give you some EQ suggestions; but it sounds heavy to me in the 100-400hz. There's a LOT of information in there with tones this thick. I dig it; but a full blown mix would have me doing a lot of high pass to make it all fit. IMHO, YMMV.
DrJacKo said:
Thanks scott, I'll try to cut around 100-400 in global mix.

I'd not cut those frequencies, I'd high pass them (you can do this in the Axe-FX too) on the mixer channel for each guitar. It'll sound funny solo'd out - you won't like it - but when you drop everything back in, it'll have just as much punch and impact without the mud.

Let the kick and bass have the lower frequencies; and high pass the guitars around 140hz.

Mixing is simply finding the balance where everything has it's place; the issues come in the overlapping frequencies building up in different areas. Just cutting those frequencies isn't the solution.
I definitely think the newer tone is better, DrJacko. Also, Scott's comments are very true, it's easy to add too much low-end to guitar tracks.
It takes a while to get your head around the fact that professional mixes get that thickness by seamlessly blending the guitar into the bass (though this is hard when you are using a pitchshifted guitar) - it's all about having every instrument focussed in its own space in the frequency range so that it can be heard without fighting the other components of the mix. Easier said than done, and I'm not saying I've reached that point myself either!
One final thing - you might want to back off the compression, the mix is pumping very hard at the moment, listening to the cymbals is quite dizzying!
Yeah, serious low-cut/high-pass action would make this tone much better. Also when tuning this low it's not good to have this much gain since you can't really hear what you're playing. Other than that it's a very nice clip!
Thanks! I'm testing some of your tips on the mix and sounds much better now! tomorrow I'll upload a new mix, Thanks to all for advices!
Can anyone with experience uploading patches from the Axe explain to DrJacKo how to do it?
I've never got them off before, only loaded them on.

And regarding the newer mix...
Gotta get this patch somehow :)
Clark Kent said:
Yeah, serious low-cut/high-pass action would make this tone much better. Also when tuning this low it's not good to have this much gain since you can't really hear what you're playing. Other than that it's a very nice clip!

Wow, I'm quoting myself! Now the low end is much better. NOW for the gain part: I find the Axe-Fx starts sounding digital when using too much gain and right now the tone is sick heavy which is a good thing BUT it kinda reminds me of my ex Boss GT pedals. (sounds digital) It's ok if it's what you want but I think you can fix this pretty easily. How are you combining these two amps? I'm going to tell you not to use drive pedals with those amps since they've got enough gain by themselves with drive at 7. Try lowering the gain... you won't regret it! I know it's harder to play that way but so is a real tube amp and after lowering the gain it actually sounds like a real tube amp. DO IT! :lol:
thank you clark, I'll record it with a lower gain. Actually I have the gain on 2.99 (Recto New) and 2.48 on Das Metall. I'll test tones with 2.50 and 2.00.
DrJacKo said:
thank you clark, I'll record it with a lower gain. Actually I have the gain on 2.99 (Recto New) and 2.48 on Das Metall. I'll test tones with 2.50 and 2.00.

No problem... I had a lot of trouble finding THE tone I was going to use and this forum helped me so I'm trying to do my part. :) Hmm... are you using a DRIVE block aswell? How are you blending these tones together? I think it should be done like this:


This way it combines the tones of the two instead of using one amp to boost the other. If I have gain at 2.99 it's almost clean sounding... not even close to what this sounds like. :shock:
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