Deleted Posts

The entire rant/thread about how we should all stop complaining has been deleted, not merely moved to the lounge. One simple way to tell if a thread or post has been deleted is to search for the posts for a user. Just moving a thread to the lounge will not change the results of that query.
What about the daily availability one? Is that still in effect? Please tell me that I haven't done over 1000 click in the yahoo store for nothing today...
He wasn't asking about the threads what have been moved. He was asking about the ones that got deleted ...
Maybe they consider them to be of no value? Maybe they find them embarrassing? Maybe they can't handle anything but praise? Who knows...
My apology thread got deleted.. I'm over it.. but, this over-policing is noteworthy nonetheless.. dare I make reference to (sounds like communion)..
Hey there Reflex... I was especially impressed with your response in the deleted thread... "The lack of empathy goes both ways. Not all the complaints have been unjustified, some have been." I actually still have that page on my browser up... great paragraphs...
Thanks Mortega. I tried to be fair as I could in that post. It is sad this stuff is getting deleted because I was trying to give credit where credit is due and to isolate the legit complaints from the unfair ones. There are a lot of discussion boards out there. If honest communication can't happen here, it will happen in a place where it won't get deleted.
Well I can say that if there is a thread that contains misinformation or speculation and becomes inflammatory then there it is probably easier for them to delete it then to enter the discussion. It just seems that no matter what they try to say it gets either twisted, blown out of proportion or becomes the 'gospel' and any deviation is met with intolerance and frustration.

If it was me I'd be worried about posting any information at all at this point. Rather than argue just get rid of the stuff that is wrong or is headed in the wrong direction. Yeah it's heavy handed, but each mod has their own style and this place has historically been about sharing information in a productive and positive manner. None of the 50 threads that have the same content meet either of those and it's borderline spamming. There are lots of boards out there that will lock or delete the same basic thread if it's in several areas at once.
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