Delay tempo question



I downloaded an @2112 preset and really like the delay. I copied and pasted the delay block into a few of my presets, and I can’t figure out why the tempo changes.

It is always tempo 1/4, but in one preset that means 500ms and in another 630ms.

What am I missing conceptually?
Each preset can have it's own tempo saved. In the Tempo menu, set the Tempo To Use parameter as needed. Global always uses the current global tempo, while Preset will change to the preset's own saved tempo. This setting is saved per preset, so Leon's preset probably has it set to "Preset".
My presets definitely do not have this enabled so I suppose he’s presets are overriding his block. Thanks!
if there is a subdivision selected in the delay block, it will always change the delay times to match the tempo of the preset.
Yeah the default Tempo To Use setting is Preset, so most presets will use their own saved tempo bpm value unless you change Tempo To Use to Global and save the preset.
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