Custom Effects Names Not Changing with Preset Changes.


New Member
Newbie here. I have 2 issues that I am struggling with on the FC12. I noticed when I am on a preset and go into the effects page, the effect names do not match the effects in the preset scene in edit III. Is there a way to have the effects match what is on the preset when you change presets? for example say one preset has a drive and a delay on it, and another has a reverb and a wah. When changing the presets on the FC12 and going into the effects page they remain the same. I would think the effects change with the preset. Secondly, I created a preset and put custom names on each effect in the chain. When I switch presets to a stock one, the custom names remain in all other presets. Is there a way to have them change to the default and only display the custom effect names in the preset I created them in? Thanks for the help.
Newbie here. I have 2 issues that I am struggling with on the FC12. I noticed when I am on a preset and go into the effects page, the effect names do not match the effects in the preset scene in edit III. Is there a way to have the effects match what is on the preset when you change presets? for example say one preset has a drive and a delay on it, and another has a reverb and a wah. When changing the presets on the FC12 and going into the effects page they remain the same. I would think the effects change with the preset.
if the effects on the Footswitches changed with each preset automatically, what position would each effect go to? how would it populate the switches.

the solution is using Per-Preset switches and loading the switches with what you want manually. the machine doesn't know what effect you want if there are 30 blocks, or what switches you want each effect on.

Secondly, I created a preset and put custom names on each effect in the chain. When I switch presets to a stock one, the custom names remain in all other presets. Is there a way to have them change to the default and only display the custom effect names in the preset I created them in? Thanks for the help.
you didn't make custom name for the effect, you named the SWITCH in that layout.

the FC stays on the same layout with the same assignments when you change presets. this simplifies the workflow by not requiring everyone to create footswitch layouts for every single preset they use. however, for those who do want it to change, again you can do that with Per-Preset placeholders or overrides.

you probably want to use those. here's a video i made showing the difference between Placeholders and Overrides:

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