Copying Outputs

Hi All.

Hope my question doesn't hit the stoopid button...

Using Setup>Audio I have already copied Output 1 to Output 2 successfully. ie Output 1 to Desk and Output 2 to FRFR. Both Outputs reproduce Amps, Fx etc.
What about copying 1 to 3? I'm messing around in the studio and I've got output1 going to desk and I want to send a copy to a guitar amp input. Output 2 only has XLRs where 3 has 1/4". So I tried running a cable from Output 3 Left to amp input. I just get a dry signal. No amp, FX, etc. Why? To be clear, I have Output 3 knob on hardware wide open (Unity) and the Boost/ Pad setting in Setup>Audio>Output 3 set to 0 db. This setting doesn't solve anything nor do the other Output 3 settings in the same menu. I must be missing something. I notice the hardware says Humbuster cable at the connection points for Output 3. is this the problem. I'm kinda stumped...
What are you connecting to the Out 3 block? Connecting the Out 1 block to the Out 3 block should do what you want.
Hey Glenn.

I'm not using an Out 3 block. I'm just copying Out 1 to Out 3 in the Setup page (FM9 Edit). Maybe this isn't possible and I need to use an Out 3 block split from the main preset and in front of the cab block if I plan on using a guitar amp or ss amp with guitar cab?
Yes, I get it now. I didn't read properly. I have already achieved success doing that prior to my post. Thanks you guys for clearing my fog...
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