Copied scene 1 to all other scenes but there are volume differences…

Hello. I copied scene 1 to all other scenes but there were volume differences between the scenes. I turned off a bunch of effects to see if I could isolate what was causing the difference but can't find it. Scene 2 is definitely louder than scene 1. What am I missing? Preset is attached. Thanks!


  • Scene_Volume_Thing.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 2
This. Scene controllers are copied (that was fixed a while ago), but output block scene levels are not. Scenes 2 and 4 have 5 dB added to the output.
IMO not copying scene levels is a bug, but apparently Fractal doesn't agree.

It's the reason I don't use the leveling tool, because that's what it adjusts.
IMO not copying scene levels is a bug, but apparently Fractal doesn't agree.
IMHO, the scene level parameters cause more problems than they solve. Simply offering a single parameter with multiple channels would be better. You can only hear one at a time anyway. If eight channels are needed, then add more channels to the output block, as is done in the muxer block.
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