Converting III presets to FM9


I did a search but was unable to find a thread discussing the process.

Also, since the FM9 has less CPU, what happens if one tried to import too large a preset? Would the unit freeze or not accept it? I would think it would be easiest to create a lower CPU copy if the III preset is exceeding 75%. Do we have III CPU amount threshold for transfer?

Thanks in advance.
Good question, wondering the same thing, I sold my FX3 that had some killer presets loaded and want some for my 9, but not sure if loadable??
I have ben loading my Axe 3 presets and vice vera across all my platforms. It will say 100% overload etc, but just delete a reverb block etc till it gets below 80 and then refine from there. It has been working really well for me
I did a search but was unable to find a thread discussing the process.

Also, since the FM9 has less CPU, what happens if one tried to import too large a preset? Would the unit freeze or not accept it? I would think it would be easiest to create a lower CPU copy if the III preset is exceeding 75%. Do we have III CPU amount threshold for transfer?

Thanks in advance.
I am currently in the process of doing this exact thing.
You may end up with CPU overages depending on the complexity of the preset.
You will be able to remove or shunt items from the signal chain when there is an overage.
I have not run into a scenario where I was not able to import an older preset yet.
If you have 3rd party cabs those will need to be reconfigured as well after you import them of course.
It is also worth mentioning that the 2 CAB blocks only have 2 IR's each unlike the 4 in the AX3.

One issue for me is that I have several presets that have parallel reverbs and delays (swells etc.).
What you end with is a shunt block in parallel that has to be removed manually.
Not a big problem more of a quality-of-life issue when importing old AX3 presets.
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Anyone already tried to have both units connected to the pc and have both editors open, so you could save things in a drive and load them in the other editor?
Anyone already tried to have both units connected to the pc and have both editors open, so you could save things in a drive and load them in the other editor?
You mean like a backup from Fractal Robot?

I just backed the presets from my AX3 then auditioned/load them using the manage presets section of the FM9 editor.
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Anyone already tried to have both units connected to the pc and have both editors open, so you could save things in a drive and load them in the other editor?
i've had all 3 units connected at the same time. but you still need to export the preset to a file, and drag that file to the Name area of the other gear in its Edit, or use Preset > Import in the menu.
You mean like a backup from Fractal Robot?

I just backed the presets from my AX3 then auditioned/load them using the manage presets section of the FM9 editor.

i've had all 3 units connected at the same time. but you still need to export the preset to a file, and drag that file to the Name area of the other gear in its Edit, or use Preset > Import in the menu.

You can also use the Export/Import options of the editors...

Thank you guys. That sounds as if it's easy. I can run both editors with both units connected and when I keep two explorer windows open I just need to drag and drop the files from the source path to the target path.
Yes but that would waste a lot of time if you have a lot of presets.
I cannot imagine exporting all my presets one by one.
Fractal Bot backup is your friend.
You can batch export them via the preset manager, select all presets you want and right click on them.

EDIT: oops, didn't see you said in your previous post you're doing exactly that
That sounds as if it's easy.
It can be easy. It can be PITA. It depends on what blocks are in the FX3 preset. The factory presets on the FM3 and FM9 were originally on the FX3, and get ported downward periodically to take advantage of the improvements in the firmware.

The manual, on p. 118, says:
Q: Can I load my presets from the Axe-Fx III or FM3 into the FM9 (or vice versa)?
A: Yes! Axe-Edit, FM3-Edit, and FM9 Edit are mostly cross-compatible. The FM9 will do its
best to interpret larger Axe-Fx III presets but you should always check the results.
  • The Axe-Fx III has a larger inventory. Any missing blocks will be replaced by shunts.
  • When converting an Axe-Fx III preset it is possible to have more blocks than the CPU can handle. If this happens, the FM9 will display a blinking red banner in the top-left of the HOME screen that reads “CPU Limit - Muted”. The FM9 will stop processing audio but allow you to delete and/or reconfigure the blocks as needed.
  • Certain CAB block settings must also be considered. An Axe-Fx III preset that has bank USER 2 selected will be changed to USER 1 since the FM9 has only one bank. Also note, that “Cab 3” and “Cab 4” settings from an Axe-Fx III preset will NOT be imported since the FM9 allows only two IRs per Cab block.

Make sure you have a good understanding of what blocks, and parameters, are available on the FM9, then modify the preset while it’s on the FX3 to use only those, then move the preset. The Blocks guide has a good table showing the differences.

Adjust for CPU usage before as moving a preset with major CPU overage can immediately shut down the audio and force a restart, maybe even forcing you to move to the front panel to take control. Thread starvation is a real thing, and can affect the editor’s ability to communicate. P. 105 in the manual talks about how to regain control in a worst-case scenario.

Not doing those first on the FX3 can result in the preset being mangled, with blocks being dropped if they’re not part of the FM9’s compliment of available blocks, and that can, and probably will, change the preset’s sound, and will make it a lot harder to get it working right. Adjusting on the FX3 gives you the big sandbox to work in.

If you are planning on sharing presets between the units, I think the best tactic is to initially create them on the smallest unit you have and then move them to the bigger ones. The blocks and CPU will exist and have room to run free and the success rate seems to be 100% based on my experiences.

Also, be aware that firmware differences can affect block and parameter availability. Sometimes one device’s firmware hasn’t caught up yet, so the preset might not transfer correctly at that time. Fractal does their best to keep parity between them so pay attention to the release notes of the different devices.

And, if you are having trouble, share the original FX3 version, and your best attempt at the converted version to the smaller sibling, and we can try to help. It’s important to show us both because asking us to convert them for you without really trying to do it yourself isn’t cool; we love helping, but doing that work for free for someone who doesn’t want to do it themselves… yeah, don’t. Clearly and concisely explain what isn’t working and what you tried to do to work around it. That helps us avoid checking every possible problem when we know you already looked into it.

PS - it’s easy to transfer presets. Here are various ways I do it:
  • Export from one machine then drop the file onto the preset info box in the editor.
  • Export then import from the Presets menu.
  • Export and import using the Preset Manager.
  • Use Fractal-Bot to backup a bank, then use the Preset Manager to select and rearrange and store them.
  • Use Fractal-Bot to backup and restore entire banks or groups of presets.
PPS - You can have multiple different editors running as long as they are connected to different units. Fractal-Bot and *Edit will be in conflict talking to the same unit, so rely on the embedded version of Fractal-Bot inside the editor to avoid that particular issue.
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It can be easy. It can be PITA. It depends on what blocks are in the FX3 preset. The factory presets on the FM3 and FM9 were originally on the FX3, and get ported downward periodically to take advantage of the improvements in the firmware.

The manual, on p. 118, says:

Make sure you have a good understanding of what blocks, and parameters, are available on the FM9, then modify the preset while it’s on the FX3 to use only those, then move the preset. The Blocks guide has a good table showing the differences.

Adjust for CPU usage before as moving a preset with major CPU overage can immediately shut down the audio and force a restart, maybe even forcing you to move to the front panel to take control. Thread starvation is a real thing, and can affect the editor’s ability to communicate. P. 105 in the manual talks about how to regain control in a worst-case scenario.

Not doing those first on the FX3 can result in the preset being mangled, with blocks being dropped if they’re not part of the FM9’s compliment of available blocks, and that can, and probably will, change the preset’s sound, and will make it a lot harder to get it working right. Adjusting on the FX3 gives you the big sandbox to work in.

If you are planning on sharing presets between the units, I think the best tactic is to initially create them on the smallest unit you have and then move them to the bigger ones. The blocks and CPU will exist and have room to run free and the success rate seems to be 100% based on my experiences.

Also, be aware that firmware differences can affect block and parameter availability. Sometimes one device’s firmware hasn’t caught up yet, so the preset might not transfer correctly at that time. Fractal does their best to keep parity between them so pay attention to the release notes of the different devices.

And, if you are having trouble, share the original FX3 version, and your best attempt at the converted version to the smaller sibling, and we can try to help. It’s important to show us both because asking us to convert them for you without really trying to do it yourself isn’t cool; we love helping, but doing that work for free for someone who doesn’t want to do it themselves… yeah, don’t. Clearly and concisely explain what isn’t working and what you tried to do to work around it. That helps us avoid checking every possible problem when we know you already looked into it.

PS - it’s easy to transfer presets. Here are various ways I do it:
  • Export from one machine then drop the file onto the preset info box in the editor.
  • Export then import from the Presets menu.
  • Export and import using the Preset Manager.
  • Use Fractal-Bot to backup a bank, then use the Preset Manager to select and rearrange and store them.
  • Use Fractal-Bot to backup and restore entire banks or groups of presets.
PPS - You can have multiple different editors running as long as they are connected to different units. Fractal-Bot and *Edit will be in conflict talking to the same unit, so rely on the embedded version of Fractal-Bot inside the editor to avoid that particular issue.
Now that's a great summery of important infos.
I'm going to clean up the presets that I send over to the FM9.
Thanks a lot!
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